Thursday 10 September 2009

Art test.

Keep forgetting to update, shame on me!
Know no one reads this, but i don't mind, it fun. :D
I had an art test yesterday, had to draw a picture of a sheet, there was a car from the side, and front, a motorcycle, a falling man or a diving man. I chose the diving man, think it came out alright.
Anyway, the interesting thing.
Woke up today with a nose bleed, went all over my bed, felt so ill afterwards. Went to school, had the worst day ever.
In french i got told off for writing something down in my planner, got held back and missed break. In history i asked to move seats, miss said she would later on, then she moves loads of people, i ask, then she said no that she can't move many more people, I mean come on, i was all mature about it, and i get nothing?!
In art Sir set us a extremely hard and terrible task, and i end up being near Shane, who constantly calls me northen etc. etc, ended up blaring my music so load that sir told me off.
Then at the end of the day, i lent on the door, which ended up to be open, fell backwards, smacked the side of my head on the side a huge filing cabinet, no one thought to help me up, i almost fainted from the pain, no one helped.
I give my next foor neighbour a lift in the morning, which she should be fucking gractefull for, and i waited a fuucking long time to walk home with her, i get a ugh.. when i ask to borrow her phone to see if we can get a lift, and she ditches me for her ffriends.
Anyway. Im really fucked off, depressed, and unhappy. facebook ain't working, so life is fucking shit. I'll talk to you later.

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