Thursday 10 September 2009

Art test.

Keep forgetting to update, shame on me!
Know no one reads this, but i don't mind, it fun. :D
I had an art test yesterday, had to draw a picture of a sheet, there was a car from the side, and front, a motorcycle, a falling man or a diving man. I chose the diving man, think it came out alright.
Anyway, the interesting thing.
Woke up today with a nose bleed, went all over my bed, felt so ill afterwards. Went to school, had the worst day ever.
In french i got told off for writing something down in my planner, got held back and missed break. In history i asked to move seats, miss said she would later on, then she moves loads of people, i ask, then she said no that she can't move many more people, I mean come on, i was all mature about it, and i get nothing?!
In art Sir set us a extremely hard and terrible task, and i end up being near Shane, who constantly calls me northen etc. etc, ended up blaring my music so load that sir told me off.
Then at the end of the day, i lent on the door, which ended up to be open, fell backwards, smacked the side of my head on the side a huge filing cabinet, no one thought to help me up, i almost fainted from the pain, no one helped.
I give my next foor neighbour a lift in the morning, which she should be fucking gractefull for, and i waited a fuucking long time to walk home with her, i get a ugh.. when i ask to borrow her phone to see if we can get a lift, and she ditches me for her ffriends.
Anyway. Im really fucked off, depressed, and unhappy. facebook ain't working, so life is fucking shit. I'll talk to you later.

Saturday 1 August 2009


Holy crap.
Have i stopped posting?
I had a strange dream last night, so i'll tell you about it.
okay, it was my birthday, and i had my friends, Rhian, Steph around, and fur some one reason Edward and jane from twilight.
Rhian kept watching tv and Steph was just sitting in my wardrobe (wtf? )
The edward in my dream was a complete asshole, he was moody and frankly, he scared me a bit.
I tried talking to him, but he just scowled at me, so i tried to get Steph out of the wardrobe. She left. o.o
Edward was laying on my bed, so i sat next to him and Jane sat on the floor, we made small talk, but not much, he still glared at me.
I went over to speak to Rhian, when i looked around to see Jane snogging Edward, she started staring at me in a smug way, like i was jelouse.
Rhian left, and Jane and Edward stayed, then we went out for food.
We ended up running into Jacob ( LUFF LUFF ) and i asked for a photo of him, he said sure, so i took one one my old phone and squealed, then he said he had to go. So i hugged him and he left.
Next thing i know, Jacob and my sister are on motorbikes doing a race for charity, and i try to follow them, i end up running on my all fours like a dog, and for some reason i keep up with them. He tells me i shoudn't do this, he doesn't want me to get hurt, then my sister went away. I ignored him and kept running like a wolf next to him, next thing we know, we at the small cliff face about 2 cars stacked on each other height and were standing on it.
Panicked, i suggest i jump down, but Jacob says no, that he don't want me to get hurt, i look down and see a snake, point at it and grin and then i'm falling.
Jacob tries to catch me, but he misses me and i smash onto the ground, i'm in real pain when Jacob jumps down and hurts himself, starts to bleed, but he doesn't care and stands next to me, and he looked really scared, wondering if i was alright, i pass out.
Next thing i know, i'm running with him again, but this time, he looses control of the bike , i cry out in fear and leap infront of the bike, it runs over me, but slows it down, and he skids off and lands on the grass, i stumble over and see if he's alright, he says
" Don't worry about me! What about you?! You look horrible! We need to get you to a hospital!"
He picks me up in his arms and begins running to a hospital, i pass out.
Then, I'm in Jacobs arms and Jane And Edward and walking with him, i open my eyes and Jacob says somin' like
" Hey, she's awake. We need to get her inside."
I closed my eyes and we were suddendly in this weird pub thing, and he gets us drinks, i get water, with a little wolf ice cube.
The bar keeper says i'm not aloud in here, as i'm not 18 yet, Jacob aurgues with him, but in the end, he kicks us out, Edward and Jane stays inside, while Jacob carrys me out in his arms.
It starts to snow.
" Shh. " He mumbled, laying me down in the snow, he sits next to me and wraps his arms around me, makeing me warm.
I smile at him, and rest my head on his shoulder.
" Thank you" I mumbled to him.
" Ha. I'd do anything for you. " He told me.
I felt a tear well up in my eye.
" Same. " I tell him.
" I can tell that. " He tells me, i relaise i'm still injured.
I laugh again and close my eyes.

Best dream ever.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

At school, AGAIN.

Bored with makeing my website, so i'm gonna write 'ere for a bit.
Not much has happened, my friends were talking about kicking me out of our little pack and getting a new leader, i fucking confronted thema nd they didn't try to denie it, but they acted like they still wanted me.
Screw 'dem. I'll get new mates.
See you later.


Monday 22 June 2009


Hai all.
I'm at school right now, supposed to be designing a website, but i can't be bothered frankly, are teacher left and now we got a sub, he doesn't care if we go on games, Woo!
So, yeah.
Thought i'd write a little bit, so here we go.

I hit the 40 Page golden point in my novel, that i'm pretty proud of, but the plot has totally died, so i'm trying to fix it before i continue.

It was fathers Day yesterday, and i got a life 'round there, I think he nejoyed his gift ^^

I got a week computer band, which makes no sense since in school i'm on computers all week :P

If anything interesting happens, i'll right again.
Paige, Sophie and Will (Ugh!) Say Hi,


Friday 12 June 2009

Shame on me~

Ugh. Sorry, I've been putting this off for a while, so here i am.
Its late here, Half eleven at night! My eyes are literally dropping as i type this, so please excuse any errors!
Not much has happened in the last few days, i made pizza in food tech today, and i got Sims 3 recently, and thats about it! I've had a shit couple of days, i'm completely ANNOYED! Please, give me something to do!

I got a My New moon poster today! Finally!!! Its been ages! Like, what? 11 days? Grrr!

So, yeah, if anything happens, You will know about it, and i'm off to write a bit of my novel,

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Sims 3

So, Hey there, its Wolf.
I'm currently looking forward to buying Sims 3, as my nan is sending me £50 soon, so i will be able to get it!
I played it around my friends house the otharrr day and it was the best game EVAARRR.
So, yeah, not much happens, so i'll see you later.


Monday 8 June 2009

New Moon Trailer!

Incase you haven't seen it, this is a HD New Moon Trailer! Enjoy, and remember, Team Jacob!
( It has been confirmed that Taylor WILL be playing Jacob in New Moon, woo! )

(untill i can get the video up, you can view it Here ; )