Monday 22 June 2009


Hai all.
I'm at school right now, supposed to be designing a website, but i can't be bothered frankly, are teacher left and now we got a sub, he doesn't care if we go on games, Woo!
So, yeah.
Thought i'd write a little bit, so here we go.

I hit the 40 Page golden point in my novel, that i'm pretty proud of, but the plot has totally died, so i'm trying to fix it before i continue.

It was fathers Day yesterday, and i got a life 'round there, I think he nejoyed his gift ^^

I got a week computer band, which makes no sense since in school i'm on computers all week :P

If anything interesting happens, i'll right again.
Paige, Sophie and Will (Ugh!) Say Hi,


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