Wednesday 24 June 2009

At school, AGAIN.

Bored with makeing my website, so i'm gonna write 'ere for a bit.
Not much has happened, my friends were talking about kicking me out of our little pack and getting a new leader, i fucking confronted thema nd they didn't try to denie it, but they acted like they still wanted me.
Screw 'dem. I'll get new mates.
See you later.


Monday 22 June 2009


Hai all.
I'm at school right now, supposed to be designing a website, but i can't be bothered frankly, are teacher left and now we got a sub, he doesn't care if we go on games, Woo!
So, yeah.
Thought i'd write a little bit, so here we go.

I hit the 40 Page golden point in my novel, that i'm pretty proud of, but the plot has totally died, so i'm trying to fix it before i continue.

It was fathers Day yesterday, and i got a life 'round there, I think he nejoyed his gift ^^

I got a week computer band, which makes no sense since in school i'm on computers all week :P

If anything interesting happens, i'll right again.
Paige, Sophie and Will (Ugh!) Say Hi,


Friday 12 June 2009

Shame on me~

Ugh. Sorry, I've been putting this off for a while, so here i am.
Its late here, Half eleven at night! My eyes are literally dropping as i type this, so please excuse any errors!
Not much has happened in the last few days, i made pizza in food tech today, and i got Sims 3 recently, and thats about it! I've had a shit couple of days, i'm completely ANNOYED! Please, give me something to do!

I got a My New moon poster today! Finally!!! Its been ages! Like, what? 11 days? Grrr!

So, yeah, if anything happens, You will know about it, and i'm off to write a bit of my novel,

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Sims 3

So, Hey there, its Wolf.
I'm currently looking forward to buying Sims 3, as my nan is sending me £50 soon, so i will be able to get it!
I played it around my friends house the otharrr day and it was the best game EVAARRR.
So, yeah, not much happens, so i'll see you later.


Monday 8 June 2009

New Moon Trailer!

Incase you haven't seen it, this is a HD New Moon Trailer! Enjoy, and remember, Team Jacob!
( It has been confirmed that Taylor WILL be playing Jacob in New Moon, woo! )

(untill i can get the video up, you can view it Here ; )

Another Day, another drag.

Today went, well, okay.
Not much happened today, just a normal day. Although i spent all day dreading the dentist, which i have just got back from, but more about that later.
I had a couple of fun moments today, including the fact that i found £1 on the floor, and my friend played the 'DJ Cammy' song that shouted out 'WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?'
She put it on floor volume, and then we played it, could NOT stop laughing!
I've just got back from dentist, got the all-clear.
I got a little Twilight bookmark through the post, and i love it, but i'm not sure were i put it! D:
Anyway, i'm gonna leave now, so until next time, see ya!


Sunday 7 June 2009

Quick drawing.

Just a small picture i've done, please don't steal!

7th June, '08. Pissed off.

Ugh. Life is Not Treating me well at the moment.
First, a seller on Ebay is being a bastard, i ordered something a few weeks ago, and it has yet to come!
My friends are being ass-holes, and i'm starting to realise i can't trust any of them, everything i say is turned into gossip.
One of my so-called 'Best friends' is jealous because i have started getting friends in the 'popular gang'.
Ugh! Girs are Bitches sometimes.
But, my guy mates are being real nice to me, Hakan is still a good friend, with his wonderful Russian impression! Dan is always ready to talk music when i need to, so a big thank you to both of you!
I'm missing some friends who moved away from my school, but i'm still in contact with them, so 'lease its not all bad.
Onto some lighter notes.
Its summer holidays in 6 weeks, and i'm excited to be able to hang out with some people who are not being Bitches at the moment!
Also, my online friend said something nice, he said every time he hears the word 'Twilight' he thinks of me, which made me feel special.
I've lectured you way to much, so i'm gonna leave this at that.
See ya around.

Hay there.

Hello, I'm Kali, But most call me Wolf.
My friend told me about these Blogs, so i thought, fuck it, I'll try.
So, yeah. I'm Wolf, and this is were all you little sad stalkers can catch up on my life, but it won't be that interesting!
I'll see you around.

(Also, I'd like to recommend a game. Guitar Hero : World Tour for the Wii. This game is incredibly enjoyable for hours on end, and with a large play list, you could sit on it all day! )