Sunday 7 June 2009

7th June, '08. Pissed off.

Ugh. Life is Not Treating me well at the moment.
First, a seller on Ebay is being a bastard, i ordered something a few weeks ago, and it has yet to come!
My friends are being ass-holes, and i'm starting to realise i can't trust any of them, everything i say is turned into gossip.
One of my so-called 'Best friends' is jealous because i have started getting friends in the 'popular gang'.
Ugh! Girs are Bitches sometimes.
But, my guy mates are being real nice to me, Hakan is still a good friend, with his wonderful Russian impression! Dan is always ready to talk music when i need to, so a big thank you to both of you!
I'm missing some friends who moved away from my school, but i'm still in contact with them, so 'lease its not all bad.
Onto some lighter notes.
Its summer holidays in 6 weeks, and i'm excited to be able to hang out with some people who are not being Bitches at the moment!
Also, my online friend said something nice, he said every time he hears the word 'Twilight' he thinks of me, which made me feel special.
I've lectured you way to much, so i'm gonna leave this at that.
See ya around.

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